Key Features:

  1. Project Overview: The dashboard provides a summary of all your projects, with the option to filter and focus on individual project for detailed analysis.
  2. Analytics Report: Shows you the total messages that are sent, and how many of these messages fall under a prompt or response violation.
  3. Policy Monitoring: You can instantly see when and which policies are violated, allowing you to spot trends or unusual activity.
  4. Violation Resolution: The dashboard logs all actions taken by Aporia to resolve violations.
  5. Better Response Rate: This metric shows how Aporia’s Guardrails are enhancing your app’s responses over time, calculated by the ratio of resolved violations to total messages.
  6. Threat Level Summary: Track the criticality of different policies by setting and monitoring threat levels, making it easier to manage and address high-priority issues.
  7. Project Summaries: Get an overview of your active projects, with a clear summary of violations versus clean prompts & responses.

This dashboard will give you full visibility and transparency of your AI product like never before, and allow you to really understand what your users are sending in, and how your LLM responds.